Be Remembered for your Investments
Hello investors,
Ah, the wonders of social media and its faults. While many have lost their faith in the industry, we have not faltered in our goals. We remain deeply committed to building trust with our customers. Trust is a key building block for us and goes beyond being just a simple term. We are dedicated to safeguarding our customers’ data storage and will continue to invest heavily in our Principal Investment Group to ensure that we maintain the highest level of security and longevity. There is a curiosity bubble that needs to be popped, and with the confidence we can show with our Principal Investment Group, we will gain the public’s trust. Our number one priority has always been to put our customers first, and this commitment has never wavered.
Warm regards,
James Gebhardt,
CEO of MyArkit Inc.
Lifetime Account
A Lifetime account lets the customer upload (Arkit) pictures with audio stories and videos. Plus audio on it's own or write in there Daily Scribe.
Memorial Account
A memorial account lets you save the memories of loved ones who are no longer with us. It is of much smaller capacity.
View Only Account
All our Lifetime accounts have a 30 day free trial. If a customer wishes not to buy at this time, their free accounts turns into a View Only account with limited options. FREE

Events works great with weddings, yearbooks and family photo albums.

Daily reading from the lives of MyArkit customers. With their permission, we will explore their lives through pictures and audio. A website people will want to visit. No overboard self promoting or salacious content. Heart filling content for everyone.

Private Stock
Cap Table available

Time Tag*
How would you like to sing happy birthday to your great great grandkids when they turn sixteen, or just say "I Love You" each year on your anniversary.

Family Tree*
Our idea for a Family Tree service will let people link to their lifetime accounts to let there family experience who they really where. A growing industry is genealogy. We're just super charging it for everyone.

Help and Wisdom
"Life-Saver U" is our HELP website. Providing links, articles and short videos to navigate life. Featuring "Ask ARKapedia"

Amazon Web Services
Who is #1 on the internet for security, innovation, reliability, flexibility and ease of use? AWS

As one on the top 5, ISP (Internet Service Providers) bluehost is a leader in working with WordPress sites. Always looking to the future.

Iron Mountain*
As we grow we will add Iron Mountain as our premier storage partner. 95% of the fortune 1000 companies use Iron Mountain. Check out the link for information.

Chase/J.P. Morgan
Our investing will begin with one of the oldest and most trusted leaders in the industry. With their teams helping us stay on top of the changing markets, we can look forward to returns that will secure our future in your memories.
MyArkit Potential

Main Goal
Fund Data storage costs for the foreseeable future to gain the publics trust.

Goal 2
Achieve market growth of 1% of North America (4.86 Mil)

Goal 3
Implement new services to achieve 3% market growth

Goal 4

Copyrighted Logo
MyArkit has our company symbol copyrighted

Proprietary Programming
Our main services were programmed from the ground up with our own native code. Owned by MyArkit Inc.
Revenue Streams
- Lifetime & Memorial Accounts
- Events Accounts
- Family Tree & TimeTag Services
- Ark-Cafe advertising revenues
- Stock Sales ( sale of stock is from a pool of Anchor Investors stock and Authorized shares )
- Additional Memory
- Excessive Views (Paid Advertising Initiated)
- (more to come)
- Future Storage Fees (All fees are covered by Gains from investment holdings)
- No shipping and Handling costs
- No raw materials needed
- Advertising will decrease due to family members being loyal to MyArkit
- Expanding Internationally at minimal costs
- Using multiple companies will give us many advantages
- Not affected by COVID
“Anchor investors” will have significant stock options to safeguard your investment. You will also have a greater ability for increases. Feel free to open up a dialogue with NOAH to better understand your options for (Accredited Investors )